Sunday 9 August 2009

Northern Ireland

The last few days have been spent blagging our way back into England with substandard ID. Our passports are with the Korean Embassy, and since Lindsay has that as her only photo identification an hour of sweet talking airport security was anticipated. Practise was taken in front of the mirror and we even had backups in the form of bills and debit cards. We needn’t have bothered. The ID in question was Lindsay’s work swipe card, but it could have been a condom with eyes and a nose drawn on the end with a false moustache for all it mattered. It had a picture, so we were in.
Considering the amount of Union flags on show, Northern Ireland represented what I would imagine the country would look like if the BNP ever got into power; either that or a royal walkway. A neo nazi party, the royal family and Ultra Unionists: the only people who love the Union flag. Perhaps they should all get together and do something sometime; may I be the first to suggest a long walk along a short cliff top.

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