Tuesday, 18 August 2009

The Journey

Without wishing to sound like an advertising blog, I really only have good things to say about Emirates flights. Indeedm I'd go so far as to say a week long journey on one would beat Blackpool in every sense but the beach, and having paddled in said waters resulting in luminous feet, that isn't really such a bad thing.

The food was of restaurant quality and the film selection far outweighs any line up I've seen at a Cineworld. Namely it had films that didn't contain tits, explosions or a combination of the two in graphic and brutal horror film detail.

The flight went over Iraq, then just for good measure over Iran too. The stop in Dubai allowed for a brief escape from being a 100 tonne airborne target, and allowed for a mooch around the never knowlingly understated Airport.

Why use metal to hold up a chair when solid gold is so much more expensive? There was an abundance of electronic gizmos, and since we were in the Middle East, a whole shop devoted to selling porcalain camels and magic lamps. Mass produced magic; it's, well magic really.

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