Dear Elwyn,
I received a letter in the post recently.
Firstly I’m writing this assuming you’re a decent man. Your record certainly indicates so, and I appreciate the work you’ve put in for the local community.
However, you won’t be receiving my vote this election.
I write this as an ex Liberal Democrat voter, believer and in a better world, soon to be member.
Sadly I saw the pictures of you campaigning with Nick Clegg and in an instant all your credibility vanished.
It’s interesting that you would base a large part of your campaign on the lies told by Phil Woolas and Labour. You’re right of course, he did lie and I, for one of many was glad to see him go. It’s even more interesting that you would associate their new candidate with the old lies, when The Labour Party clearly condemned Mr Woolas.
However, just last year Nick Clegg signed an NUS pledge to vote against any rise in University tuition fees. Just 2 months ago he voted to increase tuition fees.
Whether you agree with rises in fees or not, there is no doubting that this is a lie told by Nick Clegg. The very same Nick Clegg you haven’t condemned. The very same Nick Clegg you have campaigned with.
I trust you can see the hypocrisy?
The cuts your party are supporting will cripple this town and send it back 20 years in education terms.
I work for The Junior University Project. In my role as a Maths and English mentor I’ve been part of a team that has seen a year on year increase in the numbers of students gaining C or above in Maths and English, and therefore the number of students progressing onto Further Education.
On April 1st, thanks to cuts supported by Nick Clegg and your party, The Junior University will cease to exist. I will be unemployed.
So when you say you’ll fight for this town’s future I’m sure you can see why I might think the dishonest one isn’t just Mr Woolas; It’s also you?
Before the election at least 50% of teachers and education workers I’ve spoken to, at a guess, would have voted Lib Dem.
Now, thanks to Nick Clegg, the man you preach about dishonesty with, thanks to his lies, at least 90% of the people I speak to will vote anybody but Lib Dem.
It’s a bitter irony that the lies of one man gave you this second chance, yet the lies of another man, a man in your party, a man you campaigned with, could well end up costing it you.
Should you feel the need to respond you can do it here or email me at
There are a lot of people who have read this that would like you to.
Just so you don’t forget, the main charges are:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->You knowingly and happily campaigned with Nick Clegg, a man who lied on record to the public.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->You knowingly and happily campaigned as a Liberal Democrat, a party that supported cuts that will destroy the educational foundations of our town. Cuts that will see no new buildings that are desperately needed for Saddleworth School, Our Lady’s and Saint Augustine’s, and no essential maintenance for North Chadderton, Bluecoat, Hathershaw and Royton and Crompton.
I do hope you think I’m important enough to respond to.
Yours rapidly losing faith,
Lewis Wright
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